We offer products in the following areas, along with advice on how best to meet your needs, and expert training in their use after acquisition. Most products are sold to you direct from the manufacturer, and therefore qualify for any state or federal contracts or discounts applicable. You get local service, training, and support combined with direct pricing – a sure combination to deliver to you the best value for your money!

  • Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems, for searching to match fingerprints from bookings or crime scenes to each other, often leading to the closing of several cases at one time by documenting multiple offenses by the same perpetrator.
  • Livescan Systems that allow fingerprints to be captured electronically for law enforcement or applicant fingerprint uses
  • Forensic Light Sources, From Spex Forensics and HZL Lightmobile for searching and photographically documenting crime scenes using visible wavelength white light or specific wavelengths to locate fingerprints, body fluids, or trace evidence

In addition, on another page on this website you will find information on leasing options, which can spread the cost of acquisition over several years and reduce budget impact, and some information on grant funding for improving forensic capabilities or acquiring equipment or training.